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    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Red Dead Redemption Daily Question & Answer Thread - October 3, 2020

    Red Dead Redemption Daily Question & Answer Thread - October 3, 2020

    Daily Question & Answer Thread - October 3, 2020

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    All common questions about the game should be directed here. This includes both single-player and online questions. When asking a question, it is often beneficial to share which mode you are referring to in order to get an accurate response. Also consider sharing any relevant information that may help someone answer your question.

    All story spoilers must be displayed with the proper format:

    >!RDR is a great game!<

    gives you:

    RDR is a great game

    If you're not sure if you should use a spoiler tag or not, err on the side of caution and use one. Also, it's a nice gesture to visibly indicate the general nature of your spoiler before the tag, so people know what you're spoiling.

    Submit Red Dead Online feedback here

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Bird’s Eye View of the Red Dead Redemption map + Mexico

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    One of my favorite pictures I’ve gotten so far.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Not again...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Honour boahs

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Yes, it is a state of art fan made PC case.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    John Marston cosplay. RDR in real life project. Soon you will have more pics! :D

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    i love details like this

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Looks like i'm a little bit late.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    Mad-Dog Marston

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    The one pocket watch that I will never sell

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    "You got sad eyes mister, like you've seen sad things."

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Finally finished it��

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    There's a special animation if you jump on someone while holding knife and you are both in water :D

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT


    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Man this game is gorgeous, you don't even have to edit a pic to make it beautiful...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Micah Seems Sus

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Showed this to my friend and he couldn’t tell if it was a real photo this game is so realistic.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Today I was once again blown by this game

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Mr. Morgan (4K).

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    The Fastest Man Alive

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Haven't played this in over 10 years, but Covid isn't going anywhere so it's time. Looks much better now than on the 32 inch tube TV!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Is it just me or does this game feel like the action sequences feel similar to Quentin Tarantinos line of work like the Django unchained. I'm loving it. Someone should do a video where Quentin Tarantino shoots up people in red dead

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

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