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    Friday, January 22, 2021

    Red Dead Redemption Daily Question & Answer Thread

    Red Dead Redemption Daily Question & Answer Thread

    Daily Question & Answer Thread

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:04 AM PST

    All common questions about the game should be directed here. This includes both single-player and online questions. When asking a question, it is often beneficial to share which mode you are referring to in order to get an accurate response. Also consider sharing any relevant information that may help someone answer your question.

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    RDR is a great game

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    Submit Red Dead Online feedback here

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    1899 vs 1911

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:25 AM PST

    I painted our favourite boah

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:12 AM PST

    There is no Chapter 3

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:17 PM PST

    This deer stopped caring so I took some photos with it

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:21 AM PST

    I came across Hosea teaching Jack how to read. I love little bits like this that make the camp really feel real.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    Woody Jackson-The man who composed the best video game soundtrack of all time

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    3rd play-through in. Haven’t spoke to Downes yet, LOE satchel, Chapter 2 life at it’s peak

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 06:26 AM PST

    So Micah made a big deal out of donating $25.00 in the box, so I had to slap him down..

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    Find this couple with a map near Flaco Hernández house

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:52 AM PST

    How I spend my days in red dead

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:59 AM PST

    Don’t know if this counts as a jacket or a sweater, but he looks nice in it, I think.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:52 AM PST

    I was so fucking pissed. How could they do that to him?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    My drawing of Penny O'Brien who played Molly O'Shea.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I appreciate RDR2’s depiction of fragile, sensitive, insecure, and imperfect men. While at their core, Dutch’s Boys are murders and outlaws, they are willing to openly express their love for each other and the gang. Even Arthur’s rough exterior is partially to protect his empathetic interior.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:33 PM PST

    Jim Milton writes, again?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    I didn't know you can sit in this rock in Dakota River. Lets you admire the peace and beauty of the game's environment

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Found this comment talking about Arthur in an old thread about one of the trailers for Red Dead 2. Thought it was funny knowing how beloved the character is now.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    Drew Arthur, hope y’all like it :)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:22 PM PST

    by far, this is my favorite photo in the game.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:56 AM PST

    I drew Molly at Clemens Point

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:54 PM PST

    How infamous is Arthur Morgan in the world of RDR?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    I've only ever seen mention of his name publicly once late game, a short snippet in a newspaper.

    But Arthur literally was the lead enforcer and right hand of the most notorious gang leader in 1899.

    I know Dutch is the main target (cut the head off the snake and all that) but i can't help but think Arthur should be widely known. He even has a Canon 5000 dollar bounty so surely anyone mildly affiliated with the law would know, or possibly fear him.

    He's also been living that life for 20 years, dueled the 'greatest' of the last gunslingers, lead a small band against an army of federal agents and won, and no man has ever even been close to taking him down in his prime.

    Arthur does mention he doesn't care about fame to Theodore Levin early on but by all accounts, Arthur should be considered a legend in the literal sense. Even more so than Dutch imo.

    All in all, our boah deserves a personal cigarette card at least haha

    submitted by /u/CountCosmology
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    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    Found this interesting grave just outside of Lagras. If we look at it closely, we can see that it is quite detailed as if it belonged to an important person. Also, if we shoot or take those supplies, we'll lose honor. Anyway, I thought it would be cool to share it with you all.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Beautiful photo ��

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

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