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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Red Dead Redemption Me, Everytime after Playing The Final Mission of RDR2 even after knowing what's going to happen..

    Red Dead Redemption Me, Everytime after Playing The Final Mission of RDR2 even after knowing what's going to happen..

    Me, Everytime after Playing The Final Mission of RDR2 even after knowing what's going to happen..

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Oh no...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Imagine a medieval game by Rockstar

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Campfire song

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    As an apocalyptic sun cracked the horizon, turning the swamp waters molten gold, Arthur Morgan heaved a weary sigh and faced another day.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Our boah deserves a front page!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    If you know him, you hate him.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    this game man <3

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Arthur really Pulls it all together

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    Rdr2 captures

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    When the game looks more real than real life itself

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Damn, this game looks so real sometimes

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    I shot up a Klan rally and turned it into an album cover.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    I've Taken a lot of photos on this game but I think this is my favourite.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    I love how gentle Arthur is when he talks to horses

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Could have been a great love story...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    "Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie.... Where the coyotes wail and the wind blows free... And when I die, don't bury me, 'neath the Western sky on the lone prairie"

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    Weird bug in chapter 4... Unused hairstyle maybe?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    so my hat appears to be a living thing that can bleed

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Was looking for the dinosaur bones and got this pretty cool screenshot of John

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Arthur Morgan is the Best Video Game Character

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    there's no question about it. To be honest with you guys I didn't get into really playing RDR2 until recently. I had it on PS4, got through a few missions.. Went a little further when I got a Xbox One X. I always thought the story was "too slow" and that the game was boring. The furthest I've ever gotten was in Saint Dennis. I know, it's a horrible take but I was always an impatient gamer that was used to a faster pace and instant gratification. I've also never really enjoyed open world games very much in the past which I think also contributed to my feelings.

    Then during covid I bought it on PC and started playing to see what the fuss was about. I don't know what else to say besides this game is a masterpiece. It's meticulous attention to detail awes me all the time, especially as someone who loves and appreciates video games. Not only that but the story is phenomenal! Arthur is such an amazing and flawed but lovable and human character. The story had me in tears in a few moments.. Especially the scene where he talks to sister telling her he's scared of dying. I think a lot of people are scared during their last moments. That moment tears me up just thinking about it. Also the moment near the end when he tells his horse thank you. I think ugly cried for a good few minutes. The amalgamation of the feelings I had at the time... Those moments made me feel things I've rarely felt in video game before. I think the idea of redemption is such a beautiful thing. I firmly believe we as humans have the ability to always turn things around. I think Arthur is one of the greatest video game characters ever made. He seems like a real person to me, I can't understand he's just a bunch of pixels.

    No other point in this post besides raving about how much I loved this game.. Time to finish all the challenges for that sweet sweet legend of the east costume! I also have to replay the story to get more dialogue and insights into each character. All the characters are so interesting and deep. I'm just sad we won't get another Rockstar game for a good while but when we do.. Oh man. It's going to be amazing. Sorry for the shit post!

    submitted by /u/hellollamasan
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    Just Got %100 Completion in RDR2 And I Wanna Say Something About It

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 04:26 PM PDT

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